Conduct Conference Guide

When a report is received, OSCCR staff evaluates the report with respect to several factors.  Generally, if the information in the report suggests that a student may have engaged in prohibited behavior under the Board of Regents Student Conduct Code, a Conduct Educator from the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) is assigned the case. The Conduct Educator contacts the Respondent via UMD email with fair and timely notice of the allegations and a date/time for a Conduct Conference. The Conduct Conference is the Respondent’s opportunity to share their perspective of the situation. The Conduct Educator will ask questions to determine if the student engaged in prohibited behavior and what might be done to resolve the situation. NOTE: Failure to attend a Conduct Conference may result in 1) a hold being placed on the respondent’s account, and/or 2) a decision rendered in the respondent's absence.

If a determination of responsibility is made, the Conduct Educator will offer an Initial Resolution. This may happen at the end of the Conduct Conference or may require a period of time for the Conduct Educator to do further investigation. The Initial Resolution includes outcomes that must be completed. The Respondent may accept the Initial Resolution or may reject the Initial Resolution and invoke their right to a Formal Hearing. A student may take up to five calendar days to accept or reject the Initial Resolution. At the expiration of five calendar days, a lack of response will be deemed an acceptance of the resolution.

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  1. If the Respondent is found responsible and accepts the Initial Resolution:
    • A letter is sent to the Respondent’s UMD email detailing the result of the case and instructions on how to complete the outcomes required.
    • Once all assigned outcomes have been completed the case is closed.
    • If the outcomes are not completed by the deadlines assigned a Registration Hold will be applied to the student’s account preventing adding/dropping classes, acquiring transcripts, and graduation. The hold will remain in place until all assigned outcomes are satisfactorily completed.
  2. If the Respondent is found responsible and rejects the Initial Resolution within 5 calendar days and invokes their right to Formal Hearing:
    • A Student Hearing Panel is convened to hear the case and determine responsibility and, if appropriate, assign outcomes. See The Formal Hearing Guide for more details.
  3. If the Respondent is found not responsible:
    • No further action will be taken and the case will be closed.
    • NOTE: For cases of Scholastic Dishonesty if the Respondent is found not responsible the concerns will be referred back to the instructor for grade review at the student’s request. If the student is not satisfied with the grade review, they may pursue a grade complaint.

Student Group Conduct

When a report indicates a Student Group may be responsible for engaging in prohibited behavior under  the Student Code of Conduct OSCCR works with Kirby Student Center or RSOP staff to contact student group officers with fair and timely notice of the allegation. The Student Group is considered the Respondent. OSCCR also determines if individual students should also be charged.

How to Prepare for a Conduct Conference

  • Review the charge letter/email you received, make sure you read all information provided.
  • Reflect on the situation that led to these charges and prepare to discuss your perspective and experience.
  • Decide if you would like to review a copy of the report and make the appropriate request, using the instructions provided in your charge letter.
  • If you need to reschedule Conduct Conference appointment, email [email protected].
  • Review the Board of Regents Student Conduct Code, particularly the relevant definitions of Prohibited Behavior(s) indicated in your charge letter.
  • If you would like an Advisor(s) present: *You may have up to 2 Advisors of your choosing who are not witnesses with information relevant to the case.
    • Inform the Conduct Educator that you will have an Advisor(s) present via email to [email protected].
    • Inform your Advisor of the date, time, and location of your Conduct Conference. NOTE: The Conduct Educator is not required to reschedule the Conduct Conference if the date/time conflicts with the Advisor’s schedule.
    • Have the Advisor of your choosing review/sign the appropriate Roles and Responsibilities of Advisors form.
    • Make arrangements to meet with your Advisor prior to your Conduct Conference to discuss your plan.
    • Need help identifying an Advisor?  Visit the Respondent Resource Pool page for more information.
  • Request accommodations as needed through Disability Resources.
  • What to bring to your Conduct Conference (may not be applicable in all cases)
    • Notes to help you best describe your involvement in the situation, how you have reflected upon the behavior, and what are your plans for the future.
    • Names and contact information of witnesses who can corroborate your explanation.
    • Any other supporting documentation relevant to the incident.


The Respondent may bring up to 2 individuals with them to serve as Advisor(s), provided the individuals are not witnesses with information relevant to the case. Advisors do not participate in the Conduct Conference directly, but rather serve as silent support for the student. Advisors may be anyone of the Respondent’s choosing, including an attorney, advocate, support person, family member, or other individual, so long as they are not witnesses with information relevant to the case. Advisors will also be asked to sign the appropriate Roles & Responsibilities of Advisors form.

Help identifying an Advisor and more information can be found on the Respondent Resource Pool page


An outcome is the outcome of a determination of responsibility. In many cases, two outcomes may be issued. First, a Status-Based Outcome is decided. This could include a warning, probation, suspension, or expulsion. Then, Educational Outcomes are decided. Educational Outcomes are unique to each case and attempt to best suit each individual's needs. 

The University may impose the following outcomes on students who violate its policies: Academic Outcome, Warning, Probation, Required Compliance, Confiscation, Restitution, Restriction of Privileges, University Housing Suspension, University Housing Expulsion, Suspension, Expulsion, Withholding of Diploma or Degree, or Revocation of Admission or Degree.


For cases of Scholastic Dishonesty the faculty member grades the student’s work in light of the reported concern. If the Conduct Educator finds that the student is not responsible for prohibited behavior under the Student Conduct Code occurred, the case will be referred back to the instructor for grade review at the student’s request. If the student is not satisfied with the grade review, they may pursue a grade complaint.

A full list of possible outcomes is provided in the Board of Regents Student Conduct Code