No Conflict Resolution
You may wish to make a report so that the University is aware of your concerns, even if you do not wish for any further action at the time of your report. Having your concerns on record can be helpful in the future should similar concerns arise.
Bulldog Engagement Network
The Bulldog Engagement Network (BEN) supports students through incidents that are difficult or concerning to our campus community, but that do not constitute a violation of University policy. The student will optionally meet with a trained administrator, who may or may not be an OSCCR employee, to learn about the reported concern, discuss the matter, and share their perspective. Outcomes in this forum may include informal discussion, mentoring, coaching, review of University policy that could have future relevance, restorative practices, and other non-disciplinary educational or support measures. BEN is not a disciplinary body, cannot impose discipline, and does not require participation in any aspect of BEN’s work.
For additional details about the above forum for resolution, please see Bulldog Engagement Network
Conflict Coaching
In circumstances where another party has not opted to participate in mediation, conflict coaching may be beneficial. OSCCR staff can assist the student in better understanding and de-escalating conflict so that they can approach the situation on their own.
For additional details about the above forum for resolution, please see Conflict Coaching
Notice & Coaching
In some cases, the University has limited knowledge of an allegation because the complainant does not wish to participate in a University investigation or the University does not have the means to investigate. However, if substantiated, the alleged behavior would constitute a policy violation. If requested by a complainant, if the alleged behavior occurred within an employment setting, or if the alleged behavior has the capacity to impact other members of the University community, OSCCR employees will meet with students who reportedly engaged in the prohibited behavior(s). During this meeting, OSCCR staff will discuss relevant University policies prohibiting the alleged behavior, provide education relevant to the concern, and reiterate the University’s prohibition against retaliation. If desired by the complainant, OSCCR may communicate that the complainant does not want any contact with the respondent. However, communication of such wishes is NOT equivalent to a University-based no-contact order.
Conflict Mediation
Trained mediators are OSCCR professional staff who provide a setting where it is possible for individuals to share their concerns, be heard, and come to a workable solution that they choose. The mediator maintains neutrality and will ask questions and guide individuals through the process. The mediator may also help craft a written agreement that the parties may sign to memorialize the outcomes of their session.
For additional details about the above forum for resolution, please see Conflict Mediation
Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice recognizes the harm caused to individuals when wrongdoing occurs and seeks to balance accountability for the responsible party with repairing harm for all involved. Alternative Resolution is a voluntary process based in Restorative Justice that allows parties to decide how they can best remedy the harm caused by Sexual Misconduct. Trained staff in OSCCR work directly with EOAA and the involved parties to facilitate the process and bring parties to a mutually developed agreement to address the harm caused.
Conduct Conference
When a report is received, if the information in the report suggests the student may have engaged in prohibited behavior under the Board of Regents Student Conduct Code, a Conduct Educator from the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) is assigned the case. The student will meet with a Conduct Educator to discuss the matter. During or after the discussion, the Conduct Educator will determine if the student engaged in prohibited behavior(s) using the preponderance standard. If the student is found responsible, the Conduct Educator will determine appropriate outcomes. The student may choose to agree to resolve the case at the conclusion of the conduct conference, or request a formal hearing.
For additional details about the above forum for resolution, please see the Conduct Conference Guide
Formal Hearing
If a student rejects the initial resolution offered after a Conduct Conference, a formal hearing is conducted by a three-person panel which may include faculty, staff and/or students. The student has the opportunity to be present for the duration of the hearing, provide their perspective, and ask questions. The panel will determine if the student has engaged in prohibited behavior(s). If the student is found responsible, the panel will determine appropriate outcomes, ranging from warning to expulsion.
For additional details about the above forum for resolution, please see the Formal Hearing Guide